May 15

Year End Essential Outcomes Review – practice quizzes

It is that time of year when we are testing for all the essential Math outcomes.  Students are to use the study materials below to help prepare them for the upcoming Quiz.  More materials will be given out prior to the end of the week to assist in student preparation.  Be sure to use the videos below to help you with answering questions in the review that are giving you problems.


Review materials

review quizzes and materials for students-1xfnh7u


Gr. 7 5.2 quiz answer key – adding decimals

gr 7 adding and sub decimals answer key

Gr 7 adding and subtracting integers mid year review answer key

Gr. 8 squares and square roots review answer key

Gr 8 mult and div of integers answer key

gr 8 mult fractionws review answer key

Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 3

Math for April 3

Image result for fractionsThis week we are revisiting fractions with the grade 7’s working on adding and subtracting fractions and the grade 8’s working on multiplying fractions (even with mixed numbers).

The Grade 7’s are working on assignment 5.6 #’s 1-9 and will complete  #’s 1 – 1-10, 12 in assignment 5.7.  click on the link for a copy of the pages of the text below.

21.02.01 Grade 7 – Adding and subtracting with mixed numbers – 5.6 5.7

PLEASE NOTE GRADE 8s: it is acknowledged that you have already done assignment 3.3, however,  as a review you are specifially asked to complete #’s 6, 9 , 11, and 14  using the area models of multiplying fractions. Then move on to assignment 3.4 and complete  #’s 4-11, 13-14.  click on the link for a copy of the pages of the text below.

19.02.25 grade 8 – multiplying fraction and mixed numbers – 3.3 3.4-1vo9wce

Here are some helpful videos from Math Antics to help you.



Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 20

Math – March 20 – Graphs, mean, mode, and more

This week we are looking at graphing data and analyzing it using mode, mean, median, and range.  Click the links below for the assignments.

Grade 7 are doing assignment 7.1 and 7.2.  For 7.1 they are to do #’s 2-7 and for 7.2 #’s 1-3 and 5-7.

19.03.11 grade 7 – mean mode median range – 7.1 7.2-1ujbv0v

Grade 8 are doing assignment 7.1 and are to do #’s 3-12.

19.03.11 grade 8 – choosing an appropriate graph – 7.1-1dlro1n

Check out the videos below to help you with this concept.

Grade 7 Lesson (A+)




Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 6

Mid-Year Math Review

Each year we identify 3 key outcomes for each grade that greatly represent the foundational outcomes at each level.  The outcomes identified are shown below.  To help review these concepts the students have been provided with study packages that consist of previous quizzes from class as well as practice review work from the text.  We are going over all of these materials in class and video will be supplied of these review.  This will allow students a way to review independently using the provided materials on paper, the videos online, and help within the classroom.

In addition: students are being assigned further review materials from the text to help ensure they are prepared for the test next Friday.

The Outcomes Being Represented and

The Textbook Review Materials Suggested

Grade 7 Essential Outcomes

7.N.2. Demonstrate an understanding of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals to solve problems (for more than 1-digit divisors or 2-digit multipliers, technology could be used).

Suggested: Page 120 #’s 1,2,3,6,7,8

23.03.06 gr 7 decimal review pages from text

7.N.5. Demonstrate an understanding of adding and subtracting positive fractions and mixed numbers, with like and unlike denominators, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically (limited to positive sums and differences).

Suggested:  Page 212 #’s 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,14

19.01.23 Grade 7 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-xoxa3g

7.N.6. Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of integers, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.

Suggested: Page 78 #’s 1,3,6,7,8,10

19.01.23 Grade 7 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-xoxa3g

Grade 8 Essential Outcomes

8.N.1. Demonstrate an understanding of perfect squares and square roots, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically (limited to whole numbers). [C, CN, R, V]8.N.6.

Suggested: Page 54 #’s 2ab,4ab,5,9,12ab,14ab

19.01.23 Grade 8 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-28iyqfz

8.N.6. Demonstrate an understanding of multiplying and dividing positive fractions and mixed numbers, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. [C, CN, ME, PS]

Suggested: Page 158 #’s 1,2,3ab,4ab,7,14ac,19,22ab

19.01.23 Grade 8 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-28iyqfz

8.N.7. Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication and division of integers, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. [C, CN, PS, R, V]

Suggested: Page 96 #’s 2ab,4ab,5,9,12ab,16

19.01.23 Grade 8 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-28iyqfz



The Review Packages Provided by Mr. Ewert

review quizzes and materials for students-1xs5p8k

19.01.23 Grade 7 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-xoxa3g

19.01.23 Grade 8 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-28iyqfz


Here are some extra lessons on Dividing Fractions (for Grade 8s)




Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
February 26

Math – Feb. 27 – Gr7 area of parallelograms and triangles Gr 8 vol. of rect. prisms

This week the Grade 7’s are studying how to find the area of parallelograms and triangles.  The Grade 8’s will be studying the volume of rectangular and triangular prisms.

Grade 7: Assignments 4.3 and 4.4 do all #’s

19.02.18 grade 7 – area of parrallelogram and triangles – 4.3-4.4-1i4cvcv

Grade 8: Assignments 4.5 and 4.6.  For 4.5 do #’s 4-13 and for 4.6 do #’s 3-13

19.02.11 grade 8 – volume of prisms – 4.5-4.6-144l1cv

Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 16

Math – Jan. 16

Today the Grade 7’s are looking at converting from fractions, to decimals, and finally, to percents.  Grade 8’s will be working on ratios.

Click on the links below to watch the lessons (videos coming soon) and to download the assignment.

Grade 7’s are to complete all questions and Grade 8’s are to complete questions 4-16

18.12.03 grade 7 – relating fractions decimals and percents – 3.7-2mq1vsi

18.12.03 grade 8 – exploring ratios – 5.5-1vbsq92

Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 7

Math Jan. 09

Today we are taking our linear equations from the previous weeks and putting them into action in different formats including tables and graphs.

Note: seeing as we are currently in remote learning students may either choose to create their own graph paper using this link.  Or they can use an online graph creating website at this link  for their assignment.  Grade 8’s: when using this link you will need to input your positive and negative values for making a cartesian plane.  If you wish to do them digitally online, then you can use this link here.

Grade 7’s are working on assignment 1.6 in the text and completing numbers 1-8

19.01.15 grade 7 – graphing relations – 1.6-2jjbiak


Grade 8’s are working on assignment 6.7 in the text and completing numbers 4-13

19.01.15 grade 8 – graphing linear equations – 6.7-webak2

Here is a very helpful video for the grade 8’s

…and here is a another very helpful video for the grade 8’s

Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
December 12

Math for Dec. 12 – Algebra 2.0

This week we are revisiting our algebra work to review and consolidate what we were learning last week.  Students are encouraged to come in for extra help and to watch the additional videos below if they are in need of more help.  This week grade 7’s are working on assignment 1.4 in the test and grade 8’s on 6.2.  All questions are to to be completed prior to the due date morning with corrections made in order to prepare for the quiz that morning.

Click on the links for the assignments below:

19.01.08 grade 7 – realtionships in patterns – 1.4-161ogaf

*All questions assigned

19.01.08 grade 8 – solving equations using algebra – 6.2-212zz6u

*All questions assigned (…starting on questions 5)


Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 21

Math – Nov. 21 Adding and Multiplying Fractions 2.0

Today the Gr. 7’s started looking at adding fractions symbolically with numbers as a follow up to our work the previous week using models. The Grade 8’s are also extending last week’s skills and are working on multiplying fractions using models.  See the assignments and videos below.

18.11.21 grade 7 – using symbols to add fractions – 5.3-27w9tkt

Grade 7’s complete questions 1-10


18.11.20 gr 8 – using models to multiply fractions – 3.2-2o0bpt3

Grade 8’s complete questions 5-17



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