Mini Labs – Floating Egg and Clairvoyant Ketchup
Mini Labs – Tuesday, June 6
Today we are working on 2 mini-labs. For each one students are to make a paper just like the one shown in the picture on the right. for the Materials and Procedure sections just write “see class blog” and move on. Remember to write your hypothesis BEFORE WATCHING THE VIDEO,and then do you conclusion following the video. Refer to your lab guide (from the start of the year) as reference for what to include in your Conclusion.
Can an egg float in Water?
For this mini-lab your Problem/Question is: “Why does one egg sink to the bottom, one egg float to the top, and one egg hover in the middle?”
When watching the video, please have the sound off at first. Then you may wish to listen to it on the seond watch to get the expanation (for your conclusion).
Assignment: complete an exit slip that answers the question, “Why does one egg sink, one hover in the middle, and one float?”
Students are to complete both exit slips, attach a rubric provided in class and submit into the Science folders.
Today we covered how pressure can change the density within a substance. Check out the lesson plan we completed by clicking of the link below. The questions that you are to answer and hand in are also there. Then watch the video to see what we did.
For this mini-lab your Problem/Question: “How will squeezing the bottle affect the overall density of the water and/or ketchup packet and what will happen?”
17.05.04 8-3-01 – Clairvoyant Ketchup – Discrepant Event-zzusl3
17.05.14 clairvoyant ketchup questions-vzohjd