Today we talked about how electricity is made by studying how generators work. See the videos below that we watched in class. Students are to write an explanation that answers the question “How does a generator generate electricity?”. They are encouraged to use the key words identified in class along with a diagram and a written explanation.
We are studying measurement of area and design. In this project students design a vet’s office using percent, ratio, and decimal knowledge to design an ultimate floorplan. Check out the ‘helpful notes’ for clues that will help you succeed in this assignment.
Students are studying how different types of circuits and changing types of resistance result in different amounts of voltage running through the circuit. Students are to read directions carefully to construct circuits and label the different voltages that travel through circuits.
Click the link below for a copy of the assignment.
Students have been studying current electricity and are watching a video called “Understanding Electricity”. Students are to observe this video and use it to help them take notes on and answer the questions in the assignment linked to below.
Click on the link below for a copy of the assignment
Today we were constructing and drawing circuits. Students are to work in groups to construct and draw the circuits outlined in the assignment below. Students are to draw all the circuits on separate pieces of paper.
Today we watched videos about the famous Marshmallow Test which is a test of delayed vs. immediate gratification. This was a longitudinal psychology examination comparing early delayed gratification and later success in life. Students are to write a response to these videos by choosing a format to write in, completing a graphic organizer of all their ideas and then writing a paragraph format response based on the graphic organizer they have chosen.
Graphic organizers to consider using:
Comparative: Use this graphic organizer if you are comparing two items such as the kids who ate the marshmallow vs the kids who don’t
Persuasive: Use this organizer if you are sharing a personal opinion about the topic and trying to convince your reader to think as you do about the topic. For example if you are…
arguing that this experiment is great and measures future success
if you disagree and think this experiment is wrong
if you think that all people should take the experiment
if you want to share what you think you would have done if you were part of the experiment and why
Timeline/Cause and Effect: Use this organizer if you are writing about how one thing affects the next thing in a timeline showing how one event causes the next. Choose this one if you are writing about…
how the children’s actions may have affected their behaviour in future events resulting in successes or failures
how scientists might use these types of studies to come up with their theories