Hello and welcome to back to school! This year has thrown us some crazy twists and turns, but together we can do this. Below are your training wheels and jeopardy games to help with your orientation to this new way of doing school (and how to do well in Mr. Ewert’s class). Let’s get started.
And now it’s time for Jeopardy to see if you remember all of that!!!

Part 1 – https://jeopardylabs.com/play/2020-09-06-107
Part 2 – https://jeopardylabs.com/play/first-days-of-school-2020-edition
Part 3 – https://jeopardylabs.com/play/first-days-of-school-2020-edition-2
Now let’s create a bulletin board of how we are feeling right now. We will use this as a background for our first art project of the year.
Go to the common document that can be found in Microsoft Teams linked to in the general tab. Click on it, add your words. You might even like to repeat the words of others in there if you feel they represent you as well. When you are finished Mr. Ewert will make the universal copy for you to begin your artwork.
Go to this link to make your very own now.
How does yours compare?
Now cut it out into a shape that represents you right now. An animal? An object? A profile sillhuette?
Put it on the board for others to see.
Typing Tutor
Click on the link below to start your typing tutor. Remember that your email for this account should be username@stu.esd.ca and your user name should be clear who you are (should dirctly resemble your name within the class).
Vocabulary on Quizlet
Click on the link below to join Mr. Ewert’s class on Quizlet, where we will learn our vocabulary on unit’s studied in Math, Sci., SS, and Eng.