September 29

3 act Math

Today we are doing some 3 act Math.  Students will observe the assigned problem in the link below.  They will interact online to share their responses via a Microsoft Teams meeting.  Then they will complete their own personal work on the problem and submit to Mr. Ewert in class.

This is an in-class assignment and so no late submissions will be accepted.

Giant Rubber Duck



September 28

Finding Symbols

We have been discussing how to find symbols in literature when reading our book The Hobbit. Students are asked to draw pictures of objects that come up in the book and follow the steps below to declare what they may be a symbol of.

Your assignments is written in the picture below.  There is also a sample of this assignment below that.

Here is a picture of an example that was done when studying The Giver by Lois Lowry

The video below explains the process well.


September 16

Water Droplets on a Penny Lab

Today we are doing our first formal lab.  Our question/purpose to answer in this lab it “how many drop of water can I get on the top of a dime?”.  To answer this question we will use the formal lab template provided below.  Also, here is a video discussing formal lab write-up procedures (just in case you had to miss class).

20.09.16 LAB REPORT TEMPLATE – good one

20.09.16 drops on a penny lab teacher exemplar



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September 11

My Summer

hello, its Ava do you remember me from last year? so its the start of another school year an  dim going into grade 8. i wanted to blog about my summer since i didn’t want to say anything about covid seeings as we seem to be talking about that a lot lately which is no surprise considering the events in our world today. but enough Tools to help keep kids safe on the farm this summer | Grainewsabout that you cab read that on other blogs today i am going to be talking about my summer of 2020….

my summer started off with going on a camping trip with my grandparents, it was really fun we did lots of water activities such as fishing,swimming,tubing,and playing on a super awesome water lily pad. i went fishing multiple times but didn’t manage to catch anything, we also took the boat for a ride to this old cabin that the old miners used to use it was really cool!! after we got back we stayed home for a little while, i worked at the farm a little i worked with my pet heifer i kinda forgot to name her so she answers to girl. after we were home for a little but we went camping with my parents to bakers narrows, it was also really fun my auntie, her husband and my baby cousin cam out for a couple of days which was fun it was a really long drive though!! we also did lots of water stuff there but it was better cause we actually caught fish, the beach and the campground where really pretty and we went tubing a couple of times but not too much. i didn’t hang out with that many friends but it was ok since i hung out with my BFF a little bit, this summer was also kind of a bummer because we didn’t get to go the British Columbia to see my grandparents and that is always my favorite part of the summer! my great nanny also had to move to an old folks home which was hard for all of us but im sure she will make friends.

that was about the extent of my summer i hope that you enjoyed my blog see you next week

September 10

Quick Write – Covid in the Manitoba Classroom

This article from the Free Press yesterday discusses the recent positive Covid-19 case found in a school in Manitoba.

The Quick Write for today is students reactions/thoughts regarding this week, how the feel, etc. regarding back to school during Covid.  Students may write openly on most any personal topic related to the observed material.

When you are finished your writing your will need to scan it and post to Microsoft Teams to submit your assignment.  Here is a link to the video showing you how to do that with your classroom laptop.



September 9

How to Do all Those Things you Need to Do

Follow the links below to see how to accomplish those things you need to do.

How to make a video of your screen using powerpointTrain the Trainer Course - A Complete Design Guide (With Examples) |  SessionLab

How to make the wordle things that Mr. Ewert showed us in class

…oh, and here is a link to the common document that we are supposed to use to make that wordle thingy.

…Oh, and here is a link to that page for making those wordle thingies

Oh right, Mr. Ewert also asked us to change the dictionary on our word.  If you haven’t done that yet then click this link and fix it.

Few!  That was a lot of ASYNCHRONOUS training yo!

September 7

First Days of School 2020!!!

Hello and welcome to back to school!  This year has thrown us some crazy twists and turns, but together we can do this.  Below are your training wheels and jeopardy games to help with your orientation to this new way of doing school (and how to do well in Mr. Ewert’s class).  Let’s get started.

And now it’s time for Jeopardy to see if you remember all of that!!!

Part 1 –

Part 2 –

Part 3 –


Now let’s create a bulletin board of how we are feeling right now.  We will use this as a background for our first art project of the year.

Go to the common document that can be found in Microsoft Teams linked to in the general tab.  Click on it, add your words.  You might even like to repeat the words of others in there if you feel they represent you as well.  When you are finished Mr. Ewert will make the universal copy for you to begin your artwork.

Go to this link to make your very own now.

How does yours compare?

Now cut it out into a shape that represents you right now. An animal? An object? A profile sillhuette?

Put it on the board for others to see.


Typing Tutor

Click on the link below to start your typing tutor.  Remember that your email for this account should be and your user name should be clear who you are (should dirctly resemble your name within the class).


Vocabulary on Quizlet


Click on the link below to join Mr. Ewert’s class on Quizlet, where we will learn our vocabulary on unit’s studied in Math, Sci., SS, and Eng.