Paragraphs | AustinDaBoss1469
Check out how awesome Austins blog s.
Check out how awesome Austins blog s.
Today we are going to talk about paragraphs. There is a link below to a document that has been written properly except that it needs to be broken into paragraphs.
Your Assignment:
-download a copy of the assignment
-save the assignment to your documents with the title “editing for paragraphs – your name”
-using Microsoft word separate the text into proper paragraphs
-highlight the different sentences (using the key written on the assignment) to separate the different topics into different paragraphs
-save your assignment again
-upload it to your blog along with a picture that relates to the topic of the assignment
-make it a category called “English Language Arts”
Your blog posting should include…
-a link to your completed assignment
-a picture that relates to the topic
-was your category set in your post?
-a short personal reflection about you doing the assignment
–possible topics in your reflection MIGHT include…
*was it hard?
*do you like the topic?
*do you think you could write like this?
Click on the link below to download your assignment
Today we are going to start our typing tutor program. Students are expected to use typing tutor when they have completed assignments. They are to get through the levels with fair accuracy and be able to develop their keyboarding skills throughout the year.
-Please click on the link to visit the site
-your user name is yourfirstname+wbs1
-your password is your user name to log into the school computers
-the email associated with your membership is your school computer user name
-log in and try out the first few levels