December 12

Science – Discrepant Events Involving Heat

Today we are observing a Science experiment online.  To do this you will start by creating your Science exit slip.  You will watch the first 30 seconds of the video below and then complete your “What I already know” and “hypothesis” sections.  Then you will watch the rest of the video before completing your “observations” and “conclusion”.

For each of the experiments students are to create an exit slip that has:

  • What I already know (or what I think) about this is…
  • My hypothesis is that…because…
  • My observations about the experiment are…
  • In conclusion:
    • revisit hypothesis
    • explain observations
    • what I learned

Still need some help explaining this one?  Watch the video below for more explanation.


Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
December 12

Math Assignment for Wednesday, December 12

Today the grade 7’s are extending their previous assignment to include the use of fraction strips.  Watch the video below to get assistance for using these.  You can also download the assignment  and the handout from class. fraction strips-1hkdmxq

17.12.12 gr7 – using other models to add fractions – 3.2-1631o5w

The grade 8’s are also extending last week’s assignment of multiplying fractions.  Gr. 8s are to complete #’s -15

17.12.12 gr 8 using models to multiply fractions – 3.2-1cjtt3n

December 1

The Richest People I Know

I have a very important blog to share this week and it is about two very important people that mean a lot to me. So ill be sharing some things that i think of when people ask me about them. so here they are.

the first one is something that has been happening sense before I was born and probably before my mom was born, Any time you walk into my Baba and Gigi’s house before you can even take your shoes off there’s my Baba scrambling in the kitchen offering you food and telling you to sit at the table to eat, (even if you don’t want anything or just ate) and my Gigi asking you if  you want a drink.

Another one is them scrapping over this silliest things and after they are finished bickering they will turn around and giggle about it or whisper a joke into your ear about the topic.

But there is one last thing i would like you to know. even though they have nothing they will give you every thing, And in my eyes that makes them the wealthiest people I have ever known.