borderlands 2 is a good game cause the game has funny characters and has an awesome plot to the game, borderlands 2 is not the only game in it franchise over the decade the people have wanted more interesting games so what did they make they made a second, third, fourth and fifth game cause why not who else doesn’t want to have a raunchy and blood sporty game play, now let me tell you about the plot of the first game there is a traveler they are called vault hunters but ill say traveler, so this traveler sneaks on to this island in the sky called sanctuary ill get into how its floating just bare with me, she was finally caught by the people of sanctuary and was forced to tell the story of the travelers it all started with jack and that is all you need to know cause the plot is way to long and to many characters. and how is the island floating exactly well they need to float in order to escape from HANDSOME JACK the big bad of BL2 not so much in the first but yeah, and that is also why i love border lands its just been a cult classic and has sadly been in my childhood for years and if it wasn’t for my brother i wouldn’t be where i would be so thank you Caleb and thanks to those who believe and gave me tough love.