May 26

MRLC Study Quizzes

Math Endless Texture Formulas Figures Mathematical Stock Vector (Royalty  Free) 321784130

We are doing our final MRLC practice quiz prior to our formal end-of-year quiz in two weeks. To help students prepare they are to look at their last 3 mrlc quizzes to find what outcomes they were formerly struggling with.  Each one of them is identified (such as N6 or PR2 and so on).  Students are to then use the quiz folder to find quizzes that test them on those concepts.  You can access those quizzes here.  Any students that got a higher mark on the MRLC quizzes are to identify the outcomes they are most likely to make a smart mistake on and go from there.

Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 12

Math – April 12

Today the grade 7’s and 8’s are working on a common assignment dealing with dividing fractions.  Fractions are one of the largest hills to cross when it comes to Math in the middle years.  Certain assignments are shared across grade 7-8 so students gain additional exposure over the 2 years in class.  This allows them greater opportunity for mastery of concepts over a two year period.

Grade 7-8 will complete assignment 3.5 covering questions 3-14.  Students will adjusted work will complete #’s 3-9

20.04.20 – grade 8 dividing whole numbers and fraction – 3.5

Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 22

Math Review – Fractions and More

This week we are spiraling back to fractions.  Grade 7’s are reviewing fractions, decimals and percents where Gr. 8s are dividing decimals. Whilst students are reviewing these past concepts we will also be doing interventions based on our current MRLC results to ensure students are growing past their “sticking points” in math.

Grade 7 are working on questions 1-4, 6-8, 11-15, and 18 with Grade 7 adapted option being 3’s 1-4, 6-8, 12-15

19.04.08 grade 7 – unit review fractions decimals percents – p.120-10o50qu

The Grade 8 Assignment: Grade 8’s are working on 3d geometry.  They will be completing #’s 4-15 in assignment 4.7.

Grade 8 assignment is Surface Area of Right Cylinder (4.7) #’s 4-17.  Grade 8’s may recall that we started a bit of this prior to Spring Break but now we are reviewing and consolidating our prior learning.  Be sure to watch the video lesson accompanying this assignment.  We will have a conference on Microsoft Teams regarding this content on Tues. April 14th.

19.04.15 grade 8 – surface area of right cylinder – 4.7-shwdlk


Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 1

Math for March 1

This week the Grade 7’s are working on outliers of data and how they effect averages whilst the grade 8’s are looking at probability of independent events.

Grade 7’s

You are completing assignment 7.3 – all questions

20.03.09 grade 7 – the effects of outliers on an average – 7.3

Grade 7-8’s

You are completing assignment 7.4 – 4 – 14 (grade 7s only complete #s 4-8 and #10.

20.03.09 grade 8 – solving problems involving independent events – 7.4

Note: students may find it helpful to review the previous lessons on probability.

Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 26

Dividing Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks

Dividing decimals using base ten blocks is a tricky model, however, it can also be a fantastic way to fully understand what is happening when we are dividing with decimals.  We used this model when doing assignment 3.5 in the Math textbook.  I have looked around youtube and found a few very helpful videos for you to consider watching to help you.  I suggest that you load up the digital based ten blocks at this link, or draw them along with the video to increase your cognitive functioning in learning alongside the video.  Please ask me (Mr. Ewert) for help if you need because asking is always the first step to learning.

Watch the first few minutes of this video…

Start this one at 2:00 min. in for a great representation…

This one works too…

Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 31

Mid-Year Essential Outcome Review – Quiz Answer Keys

Here are all the materials handed out in class to prepare you for the mid-year test on Friday.  You will also find videos showing you how all this work may be completed.  These videos should be a great help if you aare struggling to remember how to do any of these questions.

Here is the review materials:

review quizzes and materials for students-1x9jg1q

Gr. 7 5.2 quiz answer key – adding decimals

gr 7 adding and sub decimals answer key

Gr 7 adding and subtracting integers mid year review answer key


Gr. 8 squares and square roots review answer key

Gr 8 mult and div of integers answer key

gr 8 mult fractionws review answer key

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