March 6

Mid-Year Math Review

Each year we identify 3 key outcomes for each grade that greatly represent the foundational outcomes at each level.  The outcomes identified are shown below.  To help review these concepts the students have been provided with study packages that consist of previous quizzes from class as well as practice review work from the text.  We are going over all of these materials in class and video will be supplied of these review.  This will allow students a way to review independently using the provided materials on paper, the videos online, and help within the classroom.

In addition: students are being assigned further review materials from the text to help ensure they are prepared for the test next Friday.

The Outcomes Being Represented and

The Textbook Review Materials Suggested

Grade 7 Essential Outcomes

7.N.2. Demonstrate an understanding of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals to solve problems (for more than 1-digit divisors or 2-digit multipliers, technology could be used).

Suggested: Page 120 #’s 1,2,3,6,7,8

23.03.06 gr 7 decimal review pages from text

7.N.5. Demonstrate an understanding of adding and subtracting positive fractions and mixed numbers, with like and unlike denominators, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically (limited to positive sums and differences).

Suggested:  Page 212 #’s 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,14

19.01.23 Grade 7 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-xoxa3g

7.N.6. Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of integers, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.

Suggested: Page 78 #’s 1,3,6,7,8,10

19.01.23 Grade 7 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-xoxa3g

Grade 8 Essential Outcomes

8.N.1. Demonstrate an understanding of perfect squares and square roots, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically (limited to whole numbers). [C, CN, R, V]8.N.6.

Suggested: Page 54 #’s 2ab,4ab,5,9,12ab,14ab

19.01.23 Grade 8 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-28iyqfz

8.N.6. Demonstrate an understanding of multiplying and dividing positive fractions and mixed numbers, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. [C, CN, ME, PS]

Suggested: Page 158 #’s 1,2,3ab,4ab,7,14ac,19,22ab

19.01.23 Grade 8 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-28iyqfz

8.N.7. Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication and division of integers, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. [C, CN, PS, R, V]

Suggested: Page 96 #’s 2ab,4ab,5,9,12ab,16

19.01.23 Grade 8 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-28iyqfz



The Review Packages Provided by Mr. Ewert

review quizzes and materials for students-1xs5p8k

19.01.23 Grade 7 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-xoxa3g

19.01.23 Grade 8 Mid-Year Review – Textbook Materials-28iyqfz


Here are some extra lessons on Dividing Fractions (for Grade 8s)




Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 2

My dream Car and why

My dream car is a Lamborghini Huracan. There are a few reasons why it is and I’ll tell you why. The reason’s it is my favorite car is because of it’s engineering, it’s interior, how it looks outside, it’s speed, and how light or heavy it is.

Engineering- it’s engineering is just tremendous. The engine is a V-10 engine and it is used in mainly Porsche’s, Lamborghini’s, and more. V-10 engine’s are a lot less common than the V-8 and V-12 engines. The V-10 engine is a 10 cylinder piston engine.

Interior- The Lamborghini Huracan interior has leather, Carbon skin, and Carbon  fiber. There seats are made from microfiber suede. The interior is made with all of that and it makes it look like an actual masterpiece.

What is it like Outside the car- The Car outside has a lot of types of colors on them and also has Carbon Fiber on the outside as well. They have all colors on a Lamborghini Huracan and its very rare to find it with Carbon Fiber on it. Carbon Fiber on a Lamborghini Huracan is the most rarest thing you would be able to find.

Its speed- The Lamborghini Huracan Has speeds up to 310-325km an hour. It is a fast supercar and is one of the lowest types of cars that I’ve ever seen. In mph it is 192-201mph.

How heavy is it- The Lamborghini Huracan has a weight up to 3,424IB. It is a light car for a Lamborghini. The average weight of a Lamborghini is 3,472IB.

That is why the Lamborghini Huracan is my favorite and why.

March 1

Book Talks

Storytelling Week - Tell-A-TaleToday we are preparing our book talks.  Book talks are a sales-pitch for one of your favourite books.  Over the course of the schoolyear you have been reading books and posting them on our online reading log.  Now it is time to pick your favourite one, prepare a pitch, and deliver.

Using this template…

21.03.22 book talk – with example

…prepare your presentation.  It is only about 3 min.  This template is a place to plan your presentation, NOT to write a script that you read word for word.  Please carefully note the rubric.  You are marked for eye contact, engagement, and visuals.  Some kids just have a copy of the book or a photocopy of the cover, but kids that are doing a great job have more.  Bring in an item that your character would have, make your own cover to show us and explain it, or dress up like a character from the book…or talk like they would talk.  Be creative, and remember: you are trying to convince us that this is a great book to read.