Math – Integers
Today we are introducing integers. Students are to engage with the smart board files below (the software is free if you want to try from home using your mouse as opposed to touch screen). Then we will watch the video below and do some samples together in class prior to completing the assignments. Please see the assignment links and instructions below.
Smartboard lesson materials
17.01.09 Grade 8 – Integers 1 – coloured tiles
17.01.09 gr. 7 p. 56-59 – 2.2 adding integers with tiles
17.01.09 gr.8 p.64 – 69 – 2.1 using models of to multiply integers
Assignment instructions:
Please note that the grade 7 and grade 8 students have separate assignments with some cross-over.
-Grade 7’s must complete all of “2.2 Adding Integers With Tiles” (from the Gr. 7 textbook) and only the a’s in questions 1-14 of “2.1 Using models to multiply integers” (from the Gr. 8 textbook).
-Grade 8’s must complete only the a’s of questions 1-8 of “2.2 Adding Integers With Tiles” (from the Gr. 7 textbook) and all of “2.1 Using models to multiply integers” (from the Gr. 8 textbook).
-Note: we are not using coloured tiles as outlined in the instructions. Instead, students are asked to identify 2 colours of pen to use to represent in their work. For example: a student may use blue for positive numbers and red for negative and then represent tiles with squares or circles.