October 19

Visual Art – The Sketchy Kind

Assignment  – Students were asked to create 3 samples of each facial feature with at least sample from an original source.

Click on the links below for instructional videos on drawing facial features.











October 17

Public speaking

I’ve always had a hard time with public speaking but I think that over the past few years I think that I’ve gotten better at it. I mean I still get nervous and my voice gets a little shaky but that’s just a thing that happens. So if you are like me I think befor your about to go up in front of people or the class and just take a second and take some deep breaths and relax. And after no matter if you did great or you messed it all up don’t worry, and just breathe.

October 4

Pythagorean Theorem – Square Numbers, Roots, and Beyond

This week the grade 7’s and 8’s are going to have very similar assignments as they learn the Pythagorean Theorem and how it relates to square numbers, roots, and more.  Watch the video below for an introduction to the concept.  Then you may access the assignment scans below.

Note: that the grade 7’s are doing assignment 1.12 whereas the grade 8’s are doing assignment 1.2

Note: it is always a best practice to review all the examples of the assignment prior to engaging in the assigned questions in order to know the potential strategies.  Also, if yo are stumped on a question you can always refer to the examples for help.

Click on the links below for the assignments

17.10.4 gr 7 – 1.1 (8 text) – squares roots and the pythagorean theorem -1hqnool

-Grade 7’s are to complete #’s 4-17

17.10.4 gr 8 – 1.2 – squares and square roots p 11-134j1sl

-Grade 8’s are to complete #’s 5-17

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