Christmas time!
Christmas is my favorite holiday because you get gifts and you get to weeks off of school. Christmas is in 26 days and i am so exited because we don’t have to go to school. Some things i am asking for this year is a new vanity and some gift cards to my favorite stores. Christmas is also my favorite holiday because you can go skating, sledding and get to go to bed very late and sleep in and not have to worry about school the next morning.
This Christmas i am looking forward to because i get to spend 3 days with my boyfriend and get to go skating and swimming with him. We are both really exited and looking forward to seeing each other and spending Christmas together for for the second time! Christmas is my favorite holiday ever because the no school for 2 weeks, and getting to see my boyfriend much more because of no school. Last year for Christmas I got a new bed set for my bed, a basketball, clothes, and my boyfriend bought me a purse from guess and pandora earrings and chocolate.