January 13

Intro to Optics

Today we are doing a mini lab experiment with a glass, water, and an arrow drawing (see the video below)

Please lay out your mini lab like the pic below.  Be sure that you have it complete up to your hypothesis prior to watching the video (it’s not a guess if you know what happened already).

Use this video once you have your hypothesis complete.

For more: follow this link to our quizlet vocabulary online and practice getting to know and learning about some of the basic concepts

January 7

Math Jan. 09

Today we are taking our linear equations from the previous weeks and putting them into action in different formats including tables and graphs.

Note: seeing as we are currently in remote learning students may either choose to create their own graph paper using this link.  Or they can use an online graph creating website at this link  for their assignment.  Grade 8’s: when using this link you will need to input your positive and negative values for making a cartesian plane.  If you wish to do them digitally online, then you can use this link here.

Grade 7’s are working on assignment 1.6 in the text and completing numbers 1-8

19.01.15 grade 7 – graphing relations – 1.6-2jjbiak


Grade 8’s are working on assignment 6.7 in the text and completing numbers 4-13

19.01.15 grade 8 – graphing linear equations – 6.7-webak2

Here is a very helpful video for the grade 8’s

…and here is a another very helpful video for the grade 8’s

Category: math | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 5

COD Black Ops 4 VS Fortnite!!!

I think COD and Fortnite are about equal games. So, I will be doing a COD Black Ops 4 VS Fortnite. Fortnite was always PUBG mobiles rival. In COD, your health can no longer regenerate itself.



What is so good about it – What’s good about Fortnite is a few things and I’ll tell you why. What’s good about the game is the guns, skins/ characters, maps, and the modes. Also, it is a reality video game. 

             Guns- There are a ton of guns in Fortnite starting from Season 1 all the way to Chapter 4 Season 1. I will only name all the Assault rifles. Assault rifle, Heavy assault rifle, burst assault rifle, Infantry assault rifle, suppressed assault rifle, tactical assault rifle, thermal scoped assault rifle, and the scoped assault rifle. Those are the assault rifles from every season. 

           Skins – Fortnite has a lot more skins than COD but that’s because Fortnite started from season 1 and is now in Chapter 4 Season 1. Fortnite has had 23 seasons. Fortnite has over 1,000 skins and rising. So, if you want a lot of skin’s, choose Fortnite. Skins make it better for you because if you are a default skin, you will be in bot lobby’s and if you have a skin, you will be in good but also not so good lobby’s. 

                About the Maps – Fortnite has had a lot of maps over the years, and I will tell you about only just 2 maps and the locations/ POI’s. I will also say the names of them. 

Season 1 map – The name of season 1 is Athena. The map Athena was a good/ cool map for their 1st map, and I think people really enjoyed it. 

Season 1, map 1 POI’s – Anarchy Acres, Wailing woods, Pleasant Park, Tomato town, Loot Lake, Lonely lodge, Retail row, Greecy grove, Salty springs, Fatal fields, Moisty mire, and Flush factory. 

Chapter 4 Season 1 map – Chapter 4 Season 1 map is called Artemis. Artemis is cool because it has a Castle with a boss inside called the Ageless. 

Chapter 4 Season 1 POI’s – Lonely labs, Brutal bastion, Breakwater Bay, The Citadel, Anvil square, Slappy shores, Shattered slabs, Faulty splits, and Frenzy fields. 

                 What Modes – In Fortnite, there are several types of modes, and those modes are Squads, Trios, Duos, Solo’s, no build Squads, Trios, Duos, Solo’s, Arena Trios, Duos, Solo’s, Death runs, 1v1 Arenas, Creative, and more. The modes are good because in 1v1 arenas, you can verse good people. In Arena, you fight against pro’s and sometimes not so good. 

                Extra- Fortnite added something called Augments. Augments means, “to make something greater/ better by adding something to it. 

Conclusion for Fortnite – This is what I think about, what makes Fortnite better than COD Black Ops 4 but now we will see what is for COD Black Ops 4. 


C.O.D Black Ops 4 

                What’s so good about it – What’s so good about C.O.D Is Black Ops 4 is a few things, and I’ll tell you why. The reasons I think C.O.D Black Ops 4 Is good about it are the guns, skins/ characters, the map, and the modes, C.O.D is a Non realistic video game. 

                Guns – there are a bit of guns in the game, but I will only name the assault rifles. They are ICR-7 assault rifle, Rampart 17assault rifle, KN-57 assault rifle, VAP-XKG assault rifle, Maddox RFB assault rifle, Swat RFT assault rifle, Grave assault rifle, and the peacekeeper assault rifle. Every weapon in COD and Fortnite are not each other’s video games. C.O.D Black Ops 4 weapons are a lot more realistic than Fortnite and they have various parts you can put on the weapon instead of Fortnite. 

                Skins – C.O.D Black Ops 4 only have 24 skins, but the thing with their skins is that they are a lot cooler than Fortnite’s. C.O.D Black Ops 4 has some of the coolest skins in C.O.D History. If you want some of the coolest skins in C.O.D History, play C.O.D Black Ops 4. 

               Maps – There are 16 maps in C.O.D, but they are really designed, and you would want to play all at once. Those 16 maps are 

Map names – Arsenal sandstorm, Contraband Hurricane, Firing range night, Frequency, Gridlock, Hacienda Twilight, Icebreaker, Jungle, Militia, Morocco, Payload, Seaside sunset, Slums, Summit, Nuke town, and Grind. 

                Modes – there are only 8 modes in C.O.D Black Ops 4, and they are almost all hard, but I’ll name all 8. The 8 are, Control, Domination, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Kill confirmed, Hardpoint, Seek and destroy, and Heist. What makes these modes better than Fortnite is that these modes are all hardcore besides seek and destroy and Hardpoint. 


Conclusion – I think that both games are almost equally compared between each other but If I had to go with 1, I would go with C.O.D Black Ops 4. If you were wondering what C.O.D means, it means, “Call of Duty. That’s the End of my “Fortnite VS C.O.D Black Ops 4” Hope you liked it. 

By Khristian Meilleur