January 30

OWL – Progress Interim Reports

Students have partners that they are evaluating on their progress. They are to use the attached form to fill out.  The assessing partners are getting graded on the quality of feedback they are giving their partners on their projects.
When we do our presentations, these same partners will be asked what they saw that needed to be worked on and what questions they had so the dragons know what they are looking for.
23.01.30 OWL partner report
January 30

Math – Jan. 30

20.10.20 grade 7 – area of circles – 4.5

Grade 7’s – Your assignment is 4.5 #’s 1-7


Check out this video below that explains exactly how the formula for the area of circle was arrived at thousands of years ago (formula explained).

And here is a follow up lesson video on #4 as it often gives people a moment to figure out


20.01.20 gr 8 – surface area of a right triangular prism – 4.4

Grade 8’s – Your assignment is 4.4 #’s 4-10

January 25

One Point Perspective – shapes and names

Today the Grade 5-6 class will be working on creating 3d art out of 2d paper using only paper, ruler, pencil, and pencil crayons.

Follow the video below to try out a few shapes first.  Then watch the second video to see how to use this new skill to make your very own name in 3d.

Assignment: choose one or the other to finish to completion.

January 24

Ancient Egypt Role Playing

A Day in the life of the pyramid builders in Ancient Egypt

Students are going to prepare for a role-playing activity.  The assignment is to read through the material in the link below and complete the research on your role/character. Then, the next day, we are going to do some role-playing conversations to prepare ourselves to convince the Vizier that, as labourers, we need a pay raise to build the pyramids.

23.01.24 Ancient Egypt Role play activity

Tuesday: Prepare for the role

Wednesday: Practice conversations and planning of the argument

Thursday: Writing out our argument to the Vizier (persuasive writing)

For any students that are absent:  You will not be selected a role. Instead, you may role a dice to choose which row your role is, and then roll again for which job from left to right.  That way you will also receive a random role similar to those that were in class.

January 23

Math – January 23

20.01.13 grade 7 – circumference of a circle – 4.2

Grade 7’s – Your assignment is 4.2 #’s 1-9


20.01.13 grade 8 – surface area of right rectangular prisms – 4.3

Grade 8’s – Your assignment is 4.3 #’s 4-10, 13, and 15


Here is the video for the Math Antics on Circumference and Area that you were asdked to do in the morning in the classroom.  The worksheets were distributed in class and on the Math page of Teams.

January 16

Math – Jan. 16

Today the Grade 7’s are looking at converting from fractions, to decimals, and finally, to percents.  Grade 8’s will be working on ratios.

Click on the links below to watch the lessons (videos coming soon) and to download the assignment.

Grade 7’s are to complete all questions and Grade 8’s are to complete questions 4-16

18.12.03 grade 7 – relating fractions decimals and percents – 3.7-2mq1vsi

18.12.03 grade 8 – exploring ratios – 5.5-1vbsq92

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January 13

Intro to Optics

Today we are doing a mini lab experiment with a glass, water, and an arrow drawing (see the video below)

Please lay out your mini lab like the pic below.  Be sure that you have it complete up to your hypothesis prior to watching the video (it’s not a guess if you know what happened already).

Use this video once you have your hypothesis complete.

For more: follow this link to our quizlet vocabulary online and practice getting to know and learning about some of the basic concepts