5 Min. Mystery
Today we are solving a 5 min. mystery. These mysteries come from https://www.5minutemystery.com/ where people submit their mysteries for signed up members to solve. In this assignment you are reading a 5 min. mystery, using 2 colours of higlighters to note the incriminating and exonerating evidence (we will discuss in class what these terms mean). Then you will write down your notes from your highlights to determine who the culprit is in the mystery. You will then write an account fully explaing what you think happened based on the evidence that you have collected. Here are the materials you will need posted below.
Recipe Writing Assignment
Today you will be writing a recipe. To do this you will first need to look at some sample recipes online. Here are links to 3 recipes to consider. Look for aspects that you think are part of writing a good recipe. What do they include that draws the reader in? What makes them clear/easy to understand. Could you follow this recipe?
Links to examples of well-written recipes
Once you have read through a few, take a look at the assignment below. Fill out the sections regarding the recipe you would like to share. It is likely something that you have with your own family. Likely you don’t already have a recipe from home (many homes don’t use formal recipes). This means that you will likely have to look up a recipe that is for the type of food that you like. Then you will borrow the facts from that recipe and make it your own by including your own thoughts, experiences, and ideas (likely using the template in the link below too).
21.12.15 Recipe-Writing_Assignment
Now that you have done all this work, get together with your small group to discuss what a quality recipe should have. You will create your own rubric based on the criteria that your group (and the class) come up with. If you need more inspiration, here is a link to a webpage describing how to write a quality recipe.
Paracord – Basic Macrame Weave
Quick Write – What is Most Important
Read the news story below and ask yourself. What do we have in our lives that is more valuable than it’s book value?
Geography Vocabulary
Reading Logs – How They Work and Materials
We are starting Reading Logs, where students record their reading progress by responding to what they are reading. See the video below explaining how they work and then click on the links to get access to the reading logs themselves.
21.01.04 reader_response_journal_prompts_form
Grid Mapping – Social Studies Assignment
Writing Your Own Report Card
Report cards are around the corner. Students will be critically examining their own academic performances by writing their own report cards. To do this students will be using the blank template attached below, the comments sent to them on Teams, and their own returned assignments and rubrics to make a hypothesis of their marks, behaviours, and expected comments. See the attached materials below that were shared in class.
Blank report card to work on
Rubric for the assignment
21.11.30 self report card writing rubric