Math – Nov. 21
Grade 7 Assignment: click the link below for the assignment and watch the videos for extra help with converting between different forms of numbers (dec., fractions and more). Grade 7 are to do all questions of the assignment.
The grade 7 assignment is right here. 7.5 – all questions
Grade 8 Assignment: click the link below for the assignment. Grade 8’s are expected to complete #’s 3-12 in preparation for their quiz on Friday.
Bus Evacuation Video Link
Watch the video at the link below.
Ch 2021- Responses for The Giver
Heat Transfer – Conduction, Convection, and Radiation
Today are reviewing some of the concepts we studied in previous labs including conduction, convection, and radiation. Students are about to design their own experiment showing the transfer of heat
Here is a video illustrating the concepts of the transfer of heat through conduction, convection, and radiation.
Here is an additional suplimentary video if you still want some more ideas and learning for this concept.
Today students will be working on a design project demonstrating one form of heat transfer. Students may choose either of conduction, convection, or radiation to represent in a presentation to the class period. Their presentation may either be live with active materials, or be a prerecorded video. This presentation will be happening next week and is due no later than 9:00 AM on Tuesday. Students must have all materials ready including any materials they need for a live demonstration or prerecorded video pre set up ready to present.
Students have a choice whether they are showing conduction, convection, or radiation, however, no more then eight students may show anyone concept. As soon as a student has a design project ready they are to go to their teacher, sign up for their project, and then begin their design project. once there are eight students for any single form of heat transfer no more students may present on that topic.
To be clear: each student is responsible for a demonstration that will take no longer than five minutes presenting either convection, conduction, or radiation of heat. Each student is responsible for demonstrating this transfer of heat in a safe manner. The student may either do a live presentation that has been pre approved by Mr. Ewert for safety, or, have a prerecorded video that they are able to present live and narrate within the class. Students are to use the template provided to design their project. Although not all of the boxes must be filled the majority must be used in preparation for the design project. The student is to make their own informed decision as to which parts they require for their design project.
Here is the template provided in class for planning your project.21.11.15 design project
The Giver – Finding Themes
Quick Write – Nov. 8/21
diary of a werewolf pt. 1
Monday, September 11 2097. 10:42 am.
Dear diary, this is my first entry, i saw the police today, i got freaked out. School has been very tough lately, well actually its been very hard, its hard to keep my secret from everyone i know. we’re doing bottle experiments in school today, i hate bottles. i tried to confess my secret to my best friend Avory, it was too hard, i dont want him to think of me differently, he’s the only friend i have. Anyways i had social studies today, i almost revealed my secret to everyone because i couldn’t resist wagging my tail when the word “treat” was mentioned, i’ve had treats before, mmmm delicious… anyways enough with the treat talk… oh, look there it goes again. i forgot to mention to you that my name is Bayle and im the only werewolf on this planet, i dont know if there are werewolves on other planets, but i’m the only one on this planet (or so i think) i dont know. oh, Avory is calling me, ugh my tail!
Monday, September 11 2097. 12:00 pm.
Dear diary, this is my lunch break, that means i will get to write in you more often, im currently sitting alone, Avory got sent home because of bad behavior, now im all alone (that’s the downfall of having only one friend) so yeah, im currently enjoying some perogies and chicken strips, mmm delicious. anyways, i almost got sent home too! thankfully i fixed my mistake, unlike Avory… oh, the popular girls are calling my name! hopefully i will make more friends!
*backround* Hey Bayle, oh, wait i just came up with a new nickname for you, HAY BAYLE, hahahahaha! ooh, is that your diary?!?
Monday, September 11 2097. 12:55
Im Hay bayle and im stupid, i dont care about puncuation or speeelinggs or anything, i m dummm
*backround again* haha i wrote in your stupid dumb diary! *wham* ow
to be continued later
3 Act Math – Nov. 04
The World Today – Ch. 2 Assigment
Today we are reading Ch. 2 and taking some notes to learn about the Spheres on our planet, the different continents, how the topography of the land changes and affects our lives, and what the basic geographical areas of the world are. We took notes together, with students encouraged to take their own original notes. Students are to answer the questions below to the best of their ability showing their critical thinking about the topics.